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Who's the Wise Guy???

So I recently received a very interesting piece of mail in my small cube of a mailbox.

When I first moved in, I would consistently receive stuff for Larry Wheeler, who was the previous resident of my apartment (and by the smell of my carpet and walls, an avid smoker).

Last week, however, I received something a little different. It was not addressed to Larry Wheeler, or Christi Glasco for that matter. It was addressed to...

Harry Glasscock

What the? Who the? Huh? Is it a combination of the two names? I dunno. Oh yeah, you're probably wondering what it is. Well, the newest piece of literature to hit my life is the June 2005 issue of...

Men's Health

That's right. So if you're behind this shananigan (that's a fun word), fess up! Out with it!

i'm not behind it but: that is basically awesome!! hah!

It wasn't me, but that gives me an idea...

Yeah, it was me. I forked over the big bucks for a subscription to a lame magazine and had it delivered to your house under a pseudonym. That way I can just wait outside the dumpster to pick up my copy of it that you threw away, wipe off the bacon grease from the cover, and enjoy.

Come to think of it, I imagine I'd enjoy the bacon grease more than the Men's Health... *smirk*

Jason, have you ever actually read an issue of Men's Health? I have been reading it for like ten years. And Christi, cmon, the cover has a bunch of buff firemen on it, at least you got something out of the deal. A scrip is like twenty five bucks. It wasnt me, I dont even have my own scrip, so why would I give one to you.... Evil laugh..... But if you keep getting them let me know, so I can borrow yours and stop buying them.

Ha, who actually reads Men's Health? What a wack magazine.

When did you say the next one was coming?

It's true...I did like the firemen part.

I also have to admit that I read through it. It's pretty interesting trying to get into the male psyche.

I'm with Tim.

Males= No psyche.

Christi, you should watch Jerry Seinfeld. He clearly explains that just when we think that men are pondering and thinking about stuff...they're not. There really isn't anything going on in there.

"We're just standing around looking around"

You wanna know what men are thinking about?

I'll tell you if you really want to know....


Even if we thought of nothing, that would be something, but it isnt. So we don't even think about that. Or even think about thinking about that. Because again, that would be comething, and remember, it is all about nothing. Just like this comment, which is something, talking about nothing, but by talking about nothing, it has become something.

Way to bring it home Eric.

i really honestly believe that my husband must be atypical. i don't think there is a moment that he is not thinking about something. he is always thinking about history, modernity, einstien, revolution, social change, literature, intellectualism . . . or some other five dollar words and ideas. and those things are always coming out of his mouth at the most random times too.

maybe that's why he is going to be a professor?

maybe i just got lucky by choosing a thinking man?

i dunno.

Still in the words of the great Seinfeld: "No he's not. He's tricking you."

i almost didn't post that because i knew you'd say something to ruin it.

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