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Needing a Favor...

I realize that the majority of my readers are male...so GO GET YOUR WIVES real quick for me.

I have just been put in charge of a wedding shower. Now I've been to these things before, never hosted one though. So I need some ideas.

Ladies, what fun things have you done at wedding showers? What are some stories that you have from your own shower? I know some of you will have some great ideas.

You might talk to my sister. She was actually the wedding planner for Breanna Newbill's wedding, so she might know some really cool stuff to do.

ooooooh...good idea. Thanks buddy.

my bridesmaids threw me an 80's prom shower. everyone came dressed in horrific 80s prom outfits and we had prom punch and listened to 80s music and had a prom queen contest (which of course i won) and a dance contest and stuff. it was really fun (but not so good if there are going to be church ladies there).

for breanna's shower, boone made a video of ben where boone asked ben questions and breanna had to guess his answer for points and then we watched her play the game. that was really fun, plus she got to keep the video for memories later.

give me some time and maybe i'll come up with more . . . my brain can be quite creative at times, but at other times . . . this is all i've got.

well, are you looking for like goofy silly wacky things, or more like meaningful things to bless the bride?

Both. The guest list contains both church ladies and friends our own age...so things that are fun, wacky, but appropriate for both age categories. I'll leave the rest up to her bridesmaids for her bachelorette party.

Great ideas, Tabs...keep them coming! I really like the video idea!

Andrea got to answer questions about how I answered questions, but if she got them right she got ca$h money, if she got them wrong she got a lame (LAME) gift, like duck calls on record or a half used box of pasta.

james: i remember that! i was there!

another good one is to have the people in the room take turns telling their favorite memory about the bride, whether it is an embarrasing one or a sweet one. it is nice to be talked about you see . . . also passing out paper and nice pens to people and having them make a page of blessing, advice, silliness for her and then binding them into book form later to give to her as a memory is nice.

also, breanna and i were wondering if you would remove our last names from your sidebar please? we'd like to remain somewhat anonymous here. thanks friend!

I'm almost tempted to try and pretend like I have a bunch of good ideas, but unfortunately, I simply do not have that much estrogen in my body. Give Julie a call or drop her an email, and I promise you'll get some good ideas.

Tabs - done and done.

thanks friend! we appreciate it!

debs told me you took her out to lunch the other day. that's so great of you! i am glad you are there to hang with her! i wish i could see her more often--she rocks! (so do you)

Yeah, I love spending time with her...she's wonderful. Her and some of the Newberg girls are gonna come over for a girl's night on Saturday. We're gonna go to the Volcanoes game...yay baseball!

How about having a bunch of women get together and try out foot products? That way, Dwayne and Trevor could come too.

HAHAHA!!! Thank you Eric...I really needed that laugh.

Christi, how in the world did you get roped into this? This is just silly. There is only one thing to do.

Pretend you have some great ideas for a wedding shower, then when everyone shows up in their frilly dresses and carrying a plateful of finger sandwiches, you can sit them down to a nice helping of pay-per-view Ultimate Fighting Championships II: The Cage Death Match. Serve BBQ hot wings and licorice-flavored gummy treats in questionable shapes.

Other women will hear about this little escapade, and you will *never* be asked to do a wedding shower ever again.

Jason, you are on to something here. I am going to start this home sale business. Women can take UFC videos, hotwings, and a bunch of other guy stuff to bachelorette parties and stuff, so that women can begin to understand why men are the way we are. Fabulous.

Thanks for your help guys, but I would actually like to KEEP the friends I have.

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