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God is Impressive...01/12/05

I don't know if I would call it a lack of faith, but for some reason I am constantly amazed at how God works in His people. You'd think that by now I might have it figured out and come to expect such miraculous things from the One who can make them happen. But instead I find myself smacked in the face and in awe of what He does each and every time.

I recently observed a beautiful piece of Divine intervention and it dropped me to my knees. Okay, so say there's this girl who is questioning everything in her life right now. You know the deal: the "Who am I?" "What am I doing here?" "Do I really believe?" In the middle of a crowd, about 40 people, in a time where everyone in the room is worshiping the Creator of the Universe, God decides to use the least likely candidate to speak up out of the crowd and speak to everyone about having enough faith. The illustration came from the story where a woman who had been internally bleeding for many years pushes her way through a large crowd simply to touch the cloak of Jesus because she believes that will heal her. God is waiting for us to step up into a faith where we are outstretching our arms simply to touch his garment because we know that He is the one who brings healing. He is ready to take us in his arms, all we have to do is reach out.

Good story, eh? Well, the Divine intervention comes in because at the very moment that this young man spoke to the crowd about having enough faith, this girl who is questioning is praying, "Okay God, I know what I should be doing, but if I'm really going to do it, then you need to show me a sign. I know you don't really do that kind of thing anymore, but if you could just send a little somethin' my way, that would be great." Also, as I sit next to her pondering what she is thinking at this time, I begin to pray, "God, I don't know why she is going through this right now, but I just pray that you will provide her the answers that she needs." BAM...young man starts speaking about faith.

Thank you, God for the times where I don't think I have enough faith to make things happen. But I know that it's in those times that you take me by the hand and you lead me down the road less traveled. Thank you for your intervention in the life of someone who I care so deeply about. You amaze me, and I'm sorry that it catches me by surprise each time. Help me to have the faith to expect You to take care of my needs and worries.